The deer have been visiting when we leave the gates open for contractors. This one came for a lunch date.Jenny organized us into a guerilla GOTV team. We held signs above very busy I-35 in Austin, and we got an amazing number of honks which we assume were approving. Our signs were non-partisan.Sometimes there was a break in the traffic. Headed back to the car. In addition to the three sisters, we also had our friend Linda Gantz. I have noticed that pretty much every third friend of Suzy’s is named Linda. IT’S NOT CONFUSING AT ALL.The fog on the lake didn’t lift all day. It was very dramatic, and this photo doesn’t begin to do it justice. Amp up the spectacularness about eight times in your head and you’ll be close.
Reader Interactions
The sign-waving is so great! I’m really glad y’all are doing it.
Jon comments:
The sign-waving is so great! I’m really glad y’all are doing it.
Julie comments:
Thanks, Jon. Jenny did a great job organizing this project.