I took a friend up the rim trail at the Gorge; it was a beautiful morning.People were making the more arduous hike from the top of the gorge at the spillway all the way to the bottom, with a guide who points out all the amazing geology and wildlife.This is a lesser yellowlegs (I think), which we often hear at Tedderhaven; this one is at the Gorge. I haven’t actually seen one at our shoreline.After lunch, my friend and I spent a lovely few hours on the terrace, watching the activity on the lake. These are cormorants.A great blue heron obligingly flew by.And a young osprey brought its lunch.Our neighbor, Chuck, sailed past with his crew.The high point was the bald eagle that flew around the cove.And then headed toward the dam. We’ve seen eagles high in the sky but this is the first time we’ve seen them right here. Very exciting!
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