This snapshot is from the Cabin Yard cam on 2019-06-09 02:10:13AM. I’ll make a video clip so you can see the movements of each of the two foxes. Their eyes are visible here due to reflection of the IR light.
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Jon comments:
I had been hoping to see some big-time action because an opossum had checked out the food area in front of the Foxcam, triggering this Reolink clip, but I can’t see any interaction between the foxes and the opossum. Incidentally, a raccoon had wandered around an hour earlier, visible on Cabin Drivewaycam and Birdcam at 1:03AM, and the housecat had come in the gate at 1:37AM. So a grand total of five animals for the night (two foxes, opossum, raccoon, cat) or six if you count the little deer grazing by the road in this Gatecam clip, in which one fox goes in the gate and the other trots past (note the barely-visible deer grazing on the other side of the road.) In the clip you can also see both foxes at the same time (just barely). One of our greatest clips.
Here is a Cabin Yardcam video clip from the moment the first fox appears near the house (2:09:30) to the moment the second fox disappears from view in the front left periphery (2:10:32), but you’ll need to watch it very, very closely as the two foxes move around because they’re mostly visible due to their eyes in the IR light.
Jon comments:
In case anyone wants to see a chronology of the action, here are the cameras and times:
Cabin Driveway 1:01:59 raccoon appears
Cabin Driveway 1:03:07 raccoon triggers Birdcam IR light and goes over to Driveway
Cabin Driveway 2:03:38 possum jumps up on fence with Foxcam IR light on
Cabin Driveway 2:04:20 possum last spotted to the right of bush
Cabin Yard 2:03:38 possum jumps up on fence with Foxcam IR light on
Cabin Yard 2:04:33 possum last spotted to the right of bush
First Fox
Gate 2:08:48 first fox in
Driveway 2:08:54 first fox in
Driveway 2:09:36 first fox out near house
Cabin Yard 2:09:30 first fox appears near house
Cabin Yard 2:09:39 first fox eyes in IR light on left periphery
Cabin Yard 2:10:13 first fox eyes in IR light last spotted on front left periphery
Second Fox
Gate 2:09:51 second fox in
Driveway 2:09:57 second fox in
Driveway 2:10:26 second fox out jumps up on fence and down fairly near house
Cabin Yard 2:10:06 second fox seen near house with eyes in IR light
Cabin Yard 2:10:25 second fox eyes in IR light on left periphery
Cabin Yard 2:10:32 second fox eyes in IR light last spotted on front left periphery
Julie comments:
It’s so cool! Thank you for curating these videos!