Those girders are REALLY HEAVY! They brought a few at a time down from the street with a tractor, then hauled them the rest of the way on a cart that reminded me of the kayak cart. Then the guys used this hoist to get them up to the roof, where one of them stood up on that scaffold on wheels and they swung it into place and welded it. It all looked dangerous and I am glad they seem to have all their fingers. And safety boots.This morning they are pouring the pool deck. This crew is so professional; they work hard and have the teamwork thing down pat. The cement work looks really good.It’s customary to assume that the toddler is fascinated by big machines and the like, and Lucas has indeed been very interested, but I think Suzy and I might be even more engrossed.My number one photography challenge is capturing the image of a bird in flight. Suzy spotted this osprey when it was closer, but by the time I got the camera out it was a mile away and not visible to my eye. I randomly aimed and managed to get this unremarkable photograph which I include here to note my minimal progress for the record. UPDATE: this bird is an anhinga, not an osprey. New one for me!
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